The New Tannerite® Kill Shot™ Target
A Reward for Accuracy Kill Shot™ Target combines paper target training with a Tannerite® reward ceremony Pleasant Hill, OR (January 1, 2014) – Seen, maybe felt the high cost of ammunition these days? Hurts, doesn’t it? (And don’t even get us started about the fear mongering going on and growing scarcity of ammunition.) So yes, […]
Internet Fight! High Capacity TV vs. The Inforce APL
Who doesn’t love a good internet fight? In my Sunday morning/post-hangover/coffee-infused Facebook skimming, I ran across something interesting. It appears as though the guys from High Capacity TV did a video review on the Inforce APL earlier this month and showed that there *may* be a problem with the way that the light mounts to a […]
Magpul’s New MS1™ – Multi-Mission Sling
This quietly got announced yesterday, or at least I caught it over on Soldier Systems: Magpul launched their dedicated 2 point sling, the MS1. Have no fear, single point users, because adapters will allow conversion to single point use quickly. Like many, I’ve been searching for a good 2 point sling and have been running […]

Iron Forged Concepts: SARA Helmet Adaptor
When I was out in Ohio at a shoothouse class with MDFI, I was trying out my new Team Wendy EXFIL helmet. I couldn’t seem to get my MSA Sordin earpro to work very well, meaning, it was uncomfortable. I played with three or four different sets of earpro and muddled my way through the […]