When I was out in Ohio at a shoothouse class with MDFI, I was trying out my new Team Wendy EXFIL helmet. I couldn’t seem to get my MSA Sordin earpro to work very well, meaning, it was uncomfortable. I played with three or four different sets of earpro and muddled my way through the class.
Fortunately, one of the guys that was there was Zach Hoerneschmeyer, owner of Iron Forged Concepts. He started telling me about his product idea that would allow the Sordins to adapt to any rail helmet. He showed me the prototype of the SARA, the Sordin Arc Rail Adaptor, he was running on his Crye Airframe helmet and said that he would send me a set to T&E.
After receiving them, I immediately knew that this was the product that would solve my issues with the TW EXFIL. I was even inspired to make an installation video to help folks through the conversion process.
Fast forward a bit, and IFC is now on Gen2 of the SARA and it has the potential to alleviate issues for a lot of shooters. I had the pleasure of taking pictures for Zach to show off just how cool this little piece of aluminum is.
The best part is that the product is designed and manufactured right here in the USA.
The SARAs are getting a lot of interest and have been discussed several places on the interweb, including Recoil Web and Breach Bang Clear.
For more information and for ordering a set, visit the Iron Forged Concepts website and be sure to like them on Facebook.
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