The Danger Zone Auction for the Brian Terry Foundation
Matt •
December 15, 2015
For the past few years, Erik "Trek" Utrecht has taken it upon himself to dedicate time, energy, and sore muscles to increase awareness for the Brian Terry Foundation. It is a charity setup to honor the memory of fallen Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry who was killed as a result of Operation Fast & Furious. [...]
“Vehicle CQB with William Petty” – Coming December 18, 2015
Matt •
December 2, 2015
Downloadable Press Release Available Here Vehicle Close Quarters Battle. It’s a short duration, high intensity conflict, characterized by sudden violence at short range—in this case, inside or in close proximity to a vehicle. “Vehicle CQB with William Petty”, an instructional documentary, will address many of the unique aspects of VCQB™. It’s relevant to anyone who [...]