Why TacStrike Rocks
A few weeks back I attended a 3-day carbine course. On Day 3, we started shooting steel at distance. I happened to have 3 targets systems from TacStrike in the back of my truck (1/4 IPSC systems to be exact) and I offered them up for the class to use. I had been using the […]

My Journey Away From Tacticool
I never served in the military and quite frankly regret that decision. That said, I can’t go back in time, I can only press forward. I’ve been shooting for many years, and when I started I wanted to be high speed. I mean I wanted to be a badass. I wanted a rifle, I wanted […]
AAR – Costa Ludus CE01 – Wiscasset, ME – Aug 29-31, 2013
AAR – Costa Ludus CE01 – Wiscasset, ME 29-31 AUG 2013 Company: Costa Ludus Course: CE01 (3 day) Dates: 29-31 AUG 2013 Instructor: Chris Costa Location: Wiscasset, ME – Wiscasset Rod & Gun Club WX T1: Overcast, slight breeze, mid 70’s T2: Mostly Sunny, humid, high 70s T3: Slight rain in the morning, clearing, very humid high 70s My […]