
Friends of Pat 2017 Video Recap
At the Friends of Pat Rogers Memorial training event this year, I decided to utilize video more than still imagery. There were plenty of great photographers attending, like Jerry Sarkody, Triple Bravo, and JW Ramp who would be more than capable of capturing the feel of the weekend. Near the end of the event, Special […]
“Vehicle CQB with William Petty” – Coming December 18, 2015
Downloadable Press Release Available Here Vehicle Close Quarters Battle. It’s a short duration, high intensity conflict, characterized by sudden violence at short range—in this case, inside or in close proximity to a vehicle. “Vehicle CQB with William Petty”, an instructional documentary, will address many of the unique aspects of VCQB™. It’s relevant to anyone who [...]SHOT SHOW 2014 – Next Level Training
There are thousands of products out there that will try to convince you they will make you a better shooter. Speak to top-level instructors and they will almost invariably agree that consistent dry practice will help with any shooter’s marksmanship. But there are very few products that span both points of view. The SIRT Pistol […]

REVIEW – point6 Hiking Tech Socks
2 weeks ago, if someone asked me to write a review about socks, I would have given them the same blank stare that I give most people when they ask me to do stupid things. How the hell do you write a review about socks? They go on your feet. They come off your feet. […]
Gear vs Training Vs Practicality
I shoot photos at a lot of classes so I spend a lot of time really inspecting gear through the viewfinder. In the process of looking at everyone’s setup, I realize just how little folks know about actually setting it up. A few of my more savvy readers are rolling their eyes right now because […]
VIDEO: Dark Angel Medical – Bullets and Bandages
Video from Day 3 of Bullets and Bandages, a specialty medical and firearms class taught at Sig Academy in New Hampshire. Kerry Davis, Founder of Dark Angel Medical, tailored his nationally acclaimed course specifically for students at Sig Academy. In this class, students develop skills to deal with life threatening medical emergencies whether on the […]
Two is One, One is…oh sh*t!
It’s autumn in Maine and there is no better time to be in the Northeast. The colors are exploding, the air is dry, and if you listen carefully, you can hear the constant spritzing of Scent-A-Way in the woods. To spend some time away from this keyboard, I headed to the range yesterday. The goal […]

Accurate As A Broken Washing Machine
For the past 5 months, FIVE MONTHS, my reliable old doublestack washing machine has been out of commission. I’ve been lugging my laundry to various friends’ houses and laundromats to get it done, wasting time staring at walls, playing way too much Candy Crush and generally figuring out a way to either get it fixed […]

Do You Include Books in Your EDC?
We train hard. We get all the gear, run through drill after drill, and shoot way more ammo than we need to. How much training do you do between your ears? With forums being pervasive on the Web, we can skim through threads and find like-minded people that are outspoken with their opinions and we […]